Wednesday 27 May 2015

Call me 'mummy'

At 7am on 27th May 2015 I gave birth to the most perfect little girl In the whole world. After being induced at 10am the previous day, my waters broke at 11pm and she was then here. It was a massively quick labour, especially for a first baby, and she was pushed out with no pain relief - not even gas and air! It was crazy and I wasn't even left with a stitch. My fiancé was also amazing, he didn't leave my side and i couldn't have had any more support from him if I had tried.

This is my beautiful little family...

Saturday 16 May 2015

Meet Bertie

And while I remember, I have not yet posted any photos of my darling dog.
This is Bertie...

So close...

My baby is now due in nine days which is absolutely terrifying! I think she will be late though but I still am not prepared for this time of my life. I would have posted much sooner but unfortunately I do not actually have an Internet connection when I am home so that does make things very difficult.

In exciting news, we are very nearly ready for our little girl. We have bought everything, everything is washed and I have very nearly packed my hospital bag (nothing like being organised).

Although I am not ready for the pain of child birth I am very excited to meet my baby and I shall be back soon (using my mother's wi-fi) with pictures of the amazing things we have bought so far (and possibly a baby)!

Thursday 2 April 2015


For those of you who don't know me, 2015 (despite only being three months in) has been the most exciting year of my life. I am due a baby on the 26th May (which is actually less than eight weeks away and completely terrifying), moved into a new house, got engaged to the most wonderful person that I have ever met and bought a dog.

It is absolutely amazing and utterly terrifying how much my life has changed in the last few months but I really could not be happier.

I hope to keep you all updated on all of the different things that are happening in my life, and I hope you are as excited as I am!